What is Holika Dahan and why is Holi celebrated Holika?


In this blog we know that What is Holika Dahan and why is Holi celebrated Holika?

What is Holika Dahan
What is Holika Dahan

What is Holika Dahan festival?

Friends! The festival of Holi is celebrated with great pomp in India. This festival is celebrated in the spring season, Falgun month. Apart from India, this festival is also celebrated in Nepal. People of all ages celebrate this festival.

What happens on the day ?

Friends! This festival, called the festival of colours, is celebrated for two days. Holika is celebrated on the first day which is also called Holika Dahan. On the day of Holika Dahan, people collect and burn wood on cow dung cakes and walk around it considering Holika as a mother. On the second day people throw colours, abir-gulal on each other, sing Holi songs by playing drums and go from house to house and apply colors to their neighbours, friends and relatives.

What is the story of Holika?

Friends! Although you all celebrate Holika Dahan or Holi, but do you know how the tradition of Holika Dahan started? so let’s know

According to the popular legend, there was a demon king named Hiranakashyap in a city. He used to ask everyone to worship him but his son Prahlad was a worshiper of Lord Vishnu. He used to chant the name of Ram.

What is Holika Dahan
What is Holika Dahan

When Hiranyakashipu called Prahlad to himself and asked him not to chant the name of Rama, Prahlad clearly said that Father!

Divine He is capable, He can save from every trouble. Man is not capable, if a devotee does spiritual practice and receives some power from God, then he becomes best among ordinary people but is not better than God. God is the best. He is capable.  

Upon hearing this from the devotee Pahlada, the arrogant Hiranyakashipu became red with anger and told his servants and soldiers to take it away from before my eyes and put it among the snakes in the forest. It will die from snake bite. He did the same, but Prahlad did not die, the snakes did not bite him, he was sleeping comfortably. To protect him from the sun in the early morning, the snakes were covering Prahlad by spreading their hoods.

The king told the soldiers to go and pick up Prahlad’s body from the forest. When the soldiers went to the forest, they saw that Prahlad was safe, the snakes went here and there. The soldiers had seen everything. When Prahlad was killed, Prahlad stood up on his own. Prahlad was ten years old. After that he was thrown from the top of the mountains but Prahlad did not die, he fell on the dense plant of flowers and survived.

How Holika Dahan started?

What is Holika Dahan
What is Holika Dahan

After that Holika, Prahlad’s aunt, on the orders of her brother Hiranyakashipu sat on the pyre (fire) with Prahlad in her lap. Holika had a sheet, if she covered it and entered the fire, it would not burn. Holika covered herself completely by wearing that sheet and without covering Prahlad she made her sit outside on her lap. Holika said son! See I am also sitting, nothing will happen to you. The fire was lit. God blew a cold wind, and a strong storm came and the sheet flew from Holika’s body and covered Prahlad completely. Holika was burnt to ashes and the devotee Prahlad was not affected. Prahlad’s faith continued to grow. In this way, eighty-four sufferings were given to the devotee, but seeing the faith of the devotee, God pleased with his firmness, influenced by his virtuous religion, helped him in every trouble. Since then the tradition of Holika Dahan started, which people are celebrating till date.

What is Holika Dahan Must watch this video

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